Indiana State Beauty Practice Exam 2024 - Free Indiana State Beauty Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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How does the Croguiqnole wrapping technique arrange curls?

Tighter curls on ends

The Croguiqnole wrapping technique is a method of curling hair where the curls are created by twisting small sections of hair around the finger and then securing them close to the roots. This wrapping technique results in tighter curls on the ends of the hair because the sections are twisted tightly. Options B, C, and D are incorrect because the curls are not created from top to bottom, they are not looser on the ends, and they are not tighter near the scalp. The twisting method used in the Croguiqnole wrapping technique ensures that the curls are consistent and evenly distributed throughout the hair, resulting in tighter curls on the ends.

Uniform curls from top to bottom

Looser curls on ends

Tighter curls near the scalp


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